With v-if

A Bonus feature of this module is the <GSAPTransition> component that allows you to use GSAP transitions on v-if/v-show elements.

  <div v-if="someProp">Hello World</div>

By default, the wrapped content will animate opacity with a (gsap-)default duration of 0.5s.

You can add custom properties to the hidden object to customize the animation. These values will be merged with the default opacity behaviour, so opacity doesnt need to be specified.

<GSAPTransition :hidden="{ x: -32 }">
  <div v-if="someProp">Hello World</div>


hiddenGSAPTweenVarsState of the toggled element when hidden
durationnumber, default: 0.5The duration of the animation in seconds
appearboolean, default: falseWether or not to run the enter-animation on initial load
easestring, default: power1.inOutThe ease of the animation. Can be overriden by the ease modifier in hidden

Full Example

  :hidden="{ x: -32 }"
  <div v-if="visible">Hello World</div>

Disabling default opacity animation

If you want to disable the default opacity behaviour, you can set the opacity property in hidden to 1. This way it will animate from 1 to 1 and essentially disable toggling opacity therefore.


<GSAPTransition :hidden="{ opacity: 1, x: -32 }">
  <div v-if="visible">Hello World</div>